Project Overview
Custom Coloring Book
The Client

Book release date: October 2023
The Assignment
The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is the state agency for historic preservation and it operates over 35 state historic sites across Texas. I was commissioned to make a coloring & activity book that features all of the THC state historic sites.
Although it was not required, I took it upon myself to visit all of the state historic sites available at the time of the assignment (two historic sites have been added since the coloring book's release) which I did over the course of a month on four separate trips. It was important for me to visit and learn about each site so that I could visually represent each site appropriately and include fitting information, puzzles & activities for the book pages.
Visiting the Historic Sites
I took photos while visiting each of the THC state historic sites so I could reference and work from the images to create the coloring and activity pages. While I roamed freely at some of the sites, like the forts, a majority of the sites had site managers and guides that lead me on a guided tour of the locations, providing information and insight about the sites and their histories.
Making the Coloring Book
I created line drawings of the various sites, featuring significant imagery pertaining to each site location and its' history.
I arranged site titles and copy/information and created pertinent activities and puzzles for most book pages.
Finished coloring & activity page
Photo of site

Designing the Cover
The THC instructed me to make a collage of the pages for the front and back cover of the book using eye catching color and a playful font since this coloring book could be for children.
The back cover includes a map of Texas with location icons signifying the historical site locations.
Collaged images
Color added

The Takeaway
This was my first commissioned coloring book to create and I'm thankful the THC gave the opportunity to work with their organization on this in-depth project.
Visiting the Texas state historic sites was an unforgettable experience which has influenced my thoughts about working, living and traveling to achieve a creative goal.